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The retina is a layer of tissue in the back of your eye. It senses light & sends images to the brain. The most vital part of this tissue is the macula. Retinal disorders mainly affect this tissue & in turn deteriorate your vision.
Sight Avenue is one of the best retina hospitals in Delhi with highly trained retina specialists for retinal detachment surgery. Contact us to know more about the retina and retina eye surgery options.
It is the discontinuity of the retina. It occurs due to a pullover retina created by shrinkage of the vitreous gel in the posterior part of the eye. The main causes are aging, pathological (very high) myopia, trauma, diabetic retinopathy, etc. Usually, the patient presents with floaters & flashes. Sight Avenue is a trusted and reputed retina care center in Delhi with the best retina eye doctors. Contact us to start your treatment.
It is defined by the presence of fluid under the retina. It usually occurs when fluid passes through a retinal tear, causing the retina to lift away from the underlying layer. The main symptoms are loss/blurring of vision, curtain-like shadow over the visual field & loss of field of vision. Retinal detachment surgery cost in Delhi is quite affordable now and available easily at The Sight Avenue.
If you have diabetes, the tiny blood vessels in the back of your eye can deteriorate & leak fluid into & under the retina. In the early stage, it may remain asymptomatic. Later, it causes the retina to swell which may blur or distort your vision. It can, in advanced stages, cause retinal detachment. You can also develop abnormal blood vessels that break & bleed. The main symptom is floaters in the early stages followed by the sudden loss of vision.Underscores the importance of timely intervention by the best eye doctor in Delhi.
It is a delicate tissue-like membrane lying on top of the retina. This membrane pulls up on the retina which distorts your vision. It can be due to aging, an inflammatory disorder, retinal tear, etc.
It is a small defect in the center of the retina (macula). It may develop from abnormal traction between the retina & vitreous. The main causes are idiopathic (unknown), aging, long-standing macular edema, injury to the eye, etc. Usually, you present with gradual loss of vision.
In this disease, the center of your retina begins to deteriorate which causes blurred central vision or blind spots in the center of the visual field. The main cause is increasing age.
It is a genetic progressive degenerative disease that initially affects the peripheral retina followed by central vision. Night blindness is the main complaint. It may be associated with other systemic disorders in both children and adults.
This potentially blinding disease is exclusively seen in premature babies with low birth weights. Screening within 30 days of birth is the best modality to avoid blindness.
This condition causes swelling & inflammation in the middle layer of the eye called the Uvea. The cause is often unknown. It is sometimes associated with autoimmune disorders or viral/bacterial infections. Common symptoms of Uvea are floaters, loss of vision, severe redness in the eye, pain & light sensitivity. In advanced stages- Retinal detachment or epiretinal membrane can be found.If you're experiencing symptoms of Uveitis, it's crucial to seek the expertise of the best Eye Specialist in Delhi for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Retinal disorders are associated with vision loss and quality of vision. Depending on the type of the disorder, symptoms can be gradual or sudden. Aging is one of the most common causes. Consider regular eye checkups for timely diagnosis of retina eye surgery.
At The Sight Avenue eye hospital, you will be subjected to a variety of diagnostic tests to confirm your diagnosis for the retinal detachment surgery. After a comprehensive retinal checkup, our best retina specialist in Delhi will individualize your retinal detachment surgery treatment plan and explain the prognosis.
Used in diabetic retinopathy, ROP -retinopathy of prematurity, retinal vein occlusion, retinal breaks/holes, lattice, and certain tumors. At present, Nd Yag(Green) laser is used for the above-mentioned conditions. It causes retinal burn which causes retinal breaks & regressions of new vessels. Get in touch with us to book an appointment with our best retina specialist in India.
It is a surgical procedure to treat eye problems involving the retina, macula & vitreous like retinal detachment, macular hole, epiretinal membrane, vitreous hemorrhage & diabetic retinopathy complications. Up to 50 % of the patients requiring VR surgery present as emergency or urgent cases. At The Sight Avenue, we have the best retina specialist in Delhi. We offer vitreoretinal surgery (MIVS- 23 G / 25 G / 27 G) and suture less retinal detachment surgery. The cost of retina surgery in Delhi is lowest at The Sight Avenue.
The Standard of care is laser treatment. In some cases, intravitreal can be given. In advanced stages, Complex vitreoretinal retinal detachment surgery is required by the best ophthalmologist in Delhi.
Uveitis is a challenging disease to treat. Although most causes are inflammatory, injections also play a major role. Clinical tests are done in search of a potential cause. Eye drops in combination with systemic (oral or IV) anti-inflammatory, anti-infective medicine is mostly prescribed. Intra-vitreal or periocular injections are sometimes given to augment retina eye surgery treatment.
In this procedure, medicine is delivered directly into the back of the eye near the retina which enables highly targeted drug therapy uvea maximizing therapeutic delivery. Anti-VEGF injections are used in cases of diabetic retinopathy, uveitis, ROP- (retinopathy of prematurity), CME (cystoid macular edema), CNVM (choroidal neovascular membranes), Endophthalmitis, etc. Steroids e.g., Tricort are also used in the above-mentioned conditions depending upon clinical evaluation. Antibiotics are used in intraocular injections as a part of retinal detachment surgery.
Most folks go through life without ever experiencing the problems instigated by retina-related diseases but conditions like Diabetic Retinopathy, uveitis, etc. can cause permanent blindness if not treated at the right time. The Sight Avenue is the Best eye hospital in Delhi has a team of retina doctors in India with unmatched experience to offer the most complex retinal detachment surgeries in Delhi in a safe way.
Proper Positioning as mentioned by the doctor for 3 days-2 or weeks depending upon the type of retinal detachment surgery procedure.
e/d cycloplege for 1 week.
e/d antibiotic for 2 weeks.
e/d steroid for 3 weeks.
IOP lowering drug depending upon IOP on a postoperative day 1
+- an oral antibiotic
+-oral steroid
Oral analgesic SOS
Conditions related to the retina are hard to diagnose. At The Sight Avenue Eye Hospital, we have a team of best retina specialists in Delhi who have an experience with over 10000 surgeries treating all kinds of retina-related eye conditions. Our technology and wide range of retinal detachment surgery treatment options available help us provide accessible care to every patient. To know more about retinal detachment surgery treatments in Delhi, consult the best retina eye specialist in Delhi.
Although retinal diseases vary greatly, the majority of them cause visible symptoms. Any part of your retina, a thin tissue layer on the inside back wall of your eye, can be affected by retinal diseases. Symptoms of retina problems such as floating specks, blurred/distorted vision, defects in the side vision and lost vision.
This vital tissue is affected by retinal disorders. They can impair your vision, and some are severe enough to result in blindness. Retinal detachment, diabetic eye disease, macular degeneration and retinoblastoma can all cause blindness if left untreated.
The risk factors involved with retinal disorders include the following:
As you get older, your chances of developing retinal detachment increase. You are also more vulnerable if you have or have had a history of eye injury, previous tears or detachments in retina or intraocular surgery, familial history of retinal detachment, significant myopia and retina thinning.
The recommended post-op precautions — and how long it takes to get back on feet — can all be influenced by a patient's health condition, type of surgery, detachment severity, and detachment location. For a few days after the surgery, one may experience eye pain and blurred vision. For several weeks, your eye may be swollen, red, or tender.